On Monday *January 25th, 2010 I will head off to Europe for my last semester of college. I have never traveled overseas and I have never lived in any other city besides my hometown. I am filled with anticipation and eager to see what lies over the horizon. My overall objective is to experience the culture of Europe and attempt to understand the values and traditions that make up the social, cultural, and architectural landscapes of European cities. Iām not there just to take pretty pictures, drink the wine, and eat the cheese, although that definitely will be part of it.
I will be living in small hill town in eastern Tuscany called Castiglion Fiorentino, which is a province of Arezzo. I will armed with my new Canon Rebel Xsi 450, 3 Moleskine sketchbooks, and a Rhodium capped Sailor Sapporo fountain pen. Pics and sketches to follow!